xxsweetiexx83 23rd March 2009

It's taken a wee while for me to be able to do this and I know if Dad were here, he'd be checking my spelling and grammar! I miss him so much. There are so many other things I wanted him to be around for. Although he is gone, I still feel blessed that I had a Dad that I genuinely got on well with and enjoyed the company of. He was such a sweet dad, always worrying about us - I mostly remember getting little cards from him whenever I had an exam. They always said "just try your best and I'm sure you'll do well". I can't get my head around the fact that I won't see him again. It's just so final. I'm so glad in the time that he was around that we made loads of funny, happy, silly and rediculous memories. I'm desperately sad I've lost him but so blessed I Knew him. Love you always Dad xox Ria.